Sacramento River King Salmon Report - September 29th
The Sacramento River King Salmon got a lot of bad press this year. That lead to people thinking this season was not going to be very good. I’ve been fishing for King Salmon every day since July 16th, and I’m here to tell you it’s one of the best season’s I’ve had in a few years! There are plenty of fish in the river, and we have been catching plenty of limits each day. Way more then expected from the forecast from the so called professionals! There have also been a lot large salmon this year, so don’t be afraid to book a Sacramento River King Salmon fishing trip.
Fall is just around the corner and it’s definitely time to start thinking about Sacramento River Steelhead fishing. We will be fishing for King Salmon and steelhead all in the same day starting in November, and going until December 31st.
Trinity River Steelhead Fishing
We will also start running over to the Trinity River for Steelhead in November through February. This is a fishery where there is typically lots of fish to catch so get your dates on the calendar. This is a great place to catch lots of steelhead and float down one of the the most beautiful River’s in Northern California. I will be running fly fishing trips or spin fishing, what ever you prefer, so now is definitely the time to hold your dates on the calendar for November through February on the Trinity River.
Being on the water has been hard to keep up with fishing reports. I do have daily reports on my Instagram or Facebook page!
Sacramento River daily limits!!
The yeti boys!!
Lots of Sacramento River king salmon.
Every day!!
I absolutely love catching king salmon,
Sacramento River king salmon.
Limits of Sacramento River king salmon,
Just a few pictures from this season!!